Report: [FL] Holdem
Name of player: [FL] Holdem (didn't see the other cops name)


Time in GMT: 20:00-20:15

Server: v4d1

Summary: Me and my friends were basing as corleones, my friend 'Its Bob' drove away from our base & got pulled over, handcuffed & searched without reason by [FL] Holdem. Then my friend 'Willy Fucking Wanka #rawr_xD' went to him & got handcuffed immediately too because the other guy was carrying weapons(logic?). While he was holding his gun up to 'Willy Fucking Wanka #rawr_xD' the other guy 'Its Bob' tried to run away(not breaking FearRP since [FL] Holdem was busy with the other guy, I don't have proof of the next thing but that's not why I'm making but I'm just going to include it: While 'Its Bob' tried to run away [FL] Holdem was invisible & noclipping & with the physgun he brought 'Its Bob' all the way back (admin abuse if this is true, but I dont know so I'm doing a player report). So 'Its Bob' got arrested for having weapons & 'Willy Fucking Wanka #rawr_xD' got arrested for threatening a police officer, while he didn't (Its Bob did tho) & 'Willy Fucking Wanka #rawr_xD' didn't have guns either so arrest for no reason, anyway. (& they got a search warrant. I just stayed at my house and did not get involved. I heard contra exploding so I checked if they destroyed my friends contra, I tried walking out the house while they jumped over the fence(using a swat van I assume since that was the only way to get over the fence). so they got over the fence which was mine & I didn't get a search warrant so they violated a rule again. Then  [FL] Holdem handcuffed me without reason, proceeded to search me & arrested me for having a weapon. Then  [FL] Holdem(I assume) destroyed all our contra. I recorded a bit.

(my voice wasn't recorded, idk why, but I basically said as he walked in : You have no reason to handcuff me, can u please move so I can go & then he handcuffed me & I said wow no reason, nice job, I'm recording btw so have fun with the post on the forums.)


Messages In This Thread
Report: [FL] Holdem - by Zeus2170 - 03-14-2017, 08:54 PM
RE: Report: [FL] Holdem - by Dauntless - 03-14-2017, 09:30 PM
RE: Report: [FL] Holdem - by Zeus2170 - 03-14-2017, 10:40 PM
RE: Report: [FL] Holdem - by Awestruck - 03-14-2017, 10:39 PM
RE: Report: [FL] Holdem - by Zeus2170 - 03-14-2017, 10:41 PM
RE: Report: [FL] Holdem - by Awestruck - 03-14-2017, 10:44 PM

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