BR: La méchante poire
Name of player: La méchante poire 

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:64625648

Time in GMT: About 2am 19/08/2017

Server: v4b1

Summary: Mass prop pushing, prop climbing and prop killing. I couldn't manage to find the name of the person who glitched in to the rock. Think it was somebody who was eventually dealt with though.


Messages In This Thread
BR: La méchante poire - by Scoobomination - 02-19-2017, 02:42 AM
RE: BR: La méchante poire - by Scoobomination - 02-19-2017, 02:43 AM
RE: BR: La méchante poire - by Jonas - 02-19-2017, 09:14 AM
RE: BR: La méchante poire - by Brikaas - 02-19-2017, 09:49 AM

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