Report: UnshodJoker, TheLegend69, GömmarN
Name of player: UnshodJoker, TheLegend69, GömmarN

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:50528789, STEAM_0:0:61109802, STEAM_0:0:145534335

Time in GMT: From 20:59 to 21:08

Server: V4B1

Summary: Well, I as basically walking around the Industrial, going through all easily accessible places for everyone(unsold doors). When I got to Industrial Factory through the back gate I saw a guy, didn't pay much attention since the place didn't seem owned and then he ran away and came with two friends of him(maybe just gang members, I don't know) and started spreading at me for no reason. They nearly killed me, tied me up and told me to follow them into the Factory building not even listening to me. Then one of them(TheLegend69) started asking me who I was working for so I told him one more time that I was just walking around and that's it. After that I got a dead shot.


P. S. Don't see a way to insert videos on the new interface :/

Messages In This Thread
Report: UnshodJoker, TheLegend69, GömmarN - by Atlas - 01-07-2017, 08:02 AM

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