Ban request on GamingOfficialZZ and "dankest cringe"
Name of player's: [UL:RP] GamingOfficialZZ, DankestCringe

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:69638118 (DankestCringe) and STEAM_0:1:39360696 (GamingOfficialZZ)

Time in GMT: 16:20 to 16:24

Server: V2D

Summary:A cop was following me, and I heard him countlessly say "I'll just shoot him", and then I accidently hit his car, he as every officer would sees this as a reason to cuff me, and perhaps kill me. No FearRP has been initiated, so I try to drive off. He then walks behind my car and gets hit, I call medics and two SRU forces respond just like they are supposed to when an officer is injured. GamingOfficialZZ and DankestCringe come in their Mercedez, I think, and ram my car away, GamingOfficialZZ comes out and DankestCringe rams my car around, trying to break it perhaps, they then approach me asking why I killed this "injured" officer, I say he ran behind a moving vehicle, and expected not to be injured by doing so. Then they put me against their wall, and start attacking with their riot shields, taking me down to 60 hp. Then I try to walk off, because they haven't pulled any real weapons nor has fearrp been initiated. I walk off and then GamingOfficialZZ taze me, and DankestCringe then shoots me with his awp.

Evidence: When they push me against the car and start hitting me with the shields:

After he shot me with the awp, still holding it in his hand:

DankestCringe then insults Mytic:

Messages In This Thread
Ban request on GamingOfficialZZ and "dankest cringe" - by Cygnus - 09-04-2016, 02:30 PM
RE: Ban request on GamingOfficialZZ and "dankest cringe" - by JONATHANPOO - 09-04-2016, 02:56 PM

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