How to be crap at rp, just read this thread to find out!
What crap rp we just had on the server. First, me and Pech put our Contraband down, when a rebel entered and was messing with the handle.

We told him to get out, and eventually he did. We got to our cars and drove to the city, 1 minute later we came back to find our contra, gone. Apart from 2 drug labs. We immediatly assumed the guy who walked in, who we did actually warn about not messing with us.

We found him, and he was fear rp-ing and not obeying out orders at gunpoint. We constantly questioned "What was your reason for raiding us!?" And we tranqed him, I said "I am going to get fraps out." before I could get back, he left to avoid and rp situation.

We then headed back to base, in hope to rebuild our contra, and just forget about what happened. Pretty big of us considering we were getting treated like shit. And could have got him banned. I came across someone in our base. I didn't have a gun on me, and I accused him of raiding. I got my gun out to hostage him as a suspect. I pulled my gun out and got him at gunpoint, and was about to tie before he pulled a shotgun on me, then it was me vs him. I won, but with 1hp, after his terrible aiming, - Fear rp.

I then went back to base, to find the other 2 drug labs gone, aswell. I said on /cradio "So hes coming back, again and again."

I then heard the sounds of flames rising, and a molotov breaking. I ran out and saw a Rebel running for it. I killed him, I went to record with Fraps and it crashed my whole computer. I then got really pissed, like. Really, pissed. I then said to Tim, constantly -

[FL:RP] Small Bearヅ: Yep, and the guy came back to throw a molotov at my wall.
[FL:RP] Small Bearヅ: I started to record.
[FL:RP] Small Bearヅ: Crashed my computer after I got even more contra out.
[FL:RP] Small Bearヅ: Thats a good 15k I lost there.
[FL:RP] Small Bearヅ: And now I can't join the server.

And he didn't respond. Then, I went to join the server again, still thinking. "Brush it off. Don't care, brush it off" I then was about to join the server after taking 5 minutes for it to load. My computer then decided to do this thing, where if too many people are on, and I don't get on when the amount is low, it shuts down Garrysmod.

Guess did that too.

So my question is, Terrible rp - Fear rp x2 - Random Molotov + No yell raid - And disconnecting to avoid an RP situation...all happened to me and Pech. So, refund for our Contraband? Considering we had about 3 suspects who all took something away from us, at least 15 - 17k gone there.

I would post this on the bans, but considering the guy left to avoid an RP situation, and the other guy made my computer crash when I started to record... I couldn't give any, can me and Pech get a refund for our Contraband? It's just a question, I don't want to get jumped on again today just for asking...

[Image: ezgif_com_save.gif] Oh, Ariana. Stop it, you!

Messages In This Thread
How to be crap at rp, just read this thread to find out! - by Small Bear - 06-21-2011, 06:04 PM
RE: How to be crap at rp, just read this thread to find out! - by dryblood321 - 06-21-2011, 09:37 PM
RE: How to be crap at rp, just read this thread to find out! - by dryblood321 - 06-25-2011, 01:41 PM

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