Blackshadow and Aznareth for Random searching my house for Contra
Player name:Aznareth and ((((Blackshadow))))

SteamID (if possible):
13 "Aznareth" STEAM_0:1:22887446 13:48 113 0 active#
((((10 "[FL:RP]TheBlackShadowOfGod" STEAM_0:0:30121842 13:56 103 0 active))))

Time in GMT:11:25

Summary: I was Minding my own buisness in the city. Then the gamemode broke. Noone could speak in OOC anymore, no refueling, nothing. So Everyone was told to holster and remove. So I made my way back to my house at UM (not the one inside UM but the one next tu the tunnel. On the way there I already heard explosions. I found my doors open and these 3 cops inside from which i only could screen 2, because Blackshadow stood right in front of me.
In the rules under Government it sais that they are not allowed to random search houses.
So... I wasn't at home, I bought that house, placed my Contra in it and left. So no way for me to be suspicious.
/e: Forgot to mention these cops were driving a Lokus. So they were not even driving a police car.


/e: Theblackshadowofgod was telling me they saw it through the window. I asked Faustie to look through it and he could'nt see anything too.
+Theblackshadowofgod Was going away when i came. He said "what the fuck" in voice and walked towards me. Therefore he is not accused of anything anymore. (he did nothing and wanted to go)

Srsly.. This is not the first time something like this happens. It's the 3rd time now and I'm starting to get angry about it :[
I could have made it in time but they were there faster so i couldn't destroy my contra before the server went down (as you can see on the screens)

Messages In This Thread
Blackshadow and Aznareth for Random searching my house for Contra - by Craban - 06-19-2011, 09:40 AM

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