A few pretty good ideas for this website/server!
For fearlessrp.net: there needs to be a forums category were you can get bans/blacklist stricken from your record were they do not show, just like un ban request (were you put your reason),. Because I have a few bans were I had broken a rule but I was a noob on the server and gmod and was told by a teammate it was okay to do bad things! >Sad

For CityRP: after you start off in what ever spawn, once dying you should spawn some where in/at the hospital. And there should be a new Black market item called blind fold where you can after hostage roping some one you can blind fold them and there screen is black(can still see the bottom left user stuff and can still can get in cars). That would be pretty sweet so some one could take someone somewhere and them not know where (or even how to get back) and they cant tell there team where they are! (good reasons for hostage-ing of course).

Thank you for reading this and thank you in advance you make my ideas a reality!

Messages In This Thread
A few pretty good ideas for this website/server! - by Blunt Grunt - 07-23-2013, 02:00 AM

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