Mercialago scam by Psycho-tik/Crystal meth
Player nameToungeyscho-tik/Crystal meth (He changed his name)

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Time in GMT: 12:30

Summary: , a guy advertised he was selling his Mercialago for 220k, I had to get a loan from a friend who was being bombarded with insults from taxi guy, he asked him to leave several times I then started Wegame to record the deal with psychotik,as soon as I gave him the money he left.
I'd love to get refunded, it would really break my heart to spend 44-ish hours on this server and get it all wiped away. D:

Also, he posted on Sparkys page, so I'm hoping sparky could check aliases.

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Mercialago scam by Psycho-tik/Crystal meth - by Legenditals - 02-03-2011, 08:04 AM

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