ban request on three people
Name of player: (Wully, Jackuzzi, and some other gun dealer)

SteamID: (wully(STEAM_0:0:14806053) jackuzzi(STEAM_0:0:16172182) dont know who the gun dealer was.)

Time in GMT: (3:10)

Server: (evo city V33x)

Summary: (A Corleone kept rdmimg me even tho i was his own corloene memeber! on top of that these three guys who were bmd, gun dealer and corleone member based together! Also they kept killing me for no reason, i tried to get out of my spawn place but as i went outside this gun dealer kept killing me as well as the other two people. this is my second day in a similar situation like this but this time it was way worse. i also hope to see some more active admins at v33x late at night(if that is possible, i know u admins have a life too) P.S. im sure the logs will show the amount of times ive been rdmed by these three people!(gmt 3:10)

Evidence: (here are some evidence)

Messages In This Thread
ban request on three people - by Lee_myung_jae - 07-31-2012, 02:21 AM
RE: ban request on three people - by Ruxandra - 07-31-2012, 09:29 AM

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