Thread Title:Cdmers

Name of player:Geoduck,Caringpimp

SteamID: "geoduck: STEAM_0:1:45824844""Caringpimp STEAM_0:1:524451473

Time in GMT:10min B4post


Summary:they tried to cdm me while i was heading back to my base

Note;they also random raided and proppushed my car but i did not get that on fraps i was watching movie -.-

I waited 5min then i was returning btw


Note uploading another youtube video where the guy caringpimp random stole my car and tried to cdm me

Messages In This Thread
Cdmers - by Shock Wave - 07-04-2012, 12:44 PM
RE: Cdmers - by Fleet Admiral Zapington - 07-04-2012, 01:12 PM

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