Phudk | MidnightKiller
Your name: Phudk | MidnightKiller

Your SteamID:

Banning Admin: N/A

Ban Length: 1 week

Reason for the ban: CDM

Why we should unban you: OK, i was in a big car (ambulance) which is very good for cdm because it is big and fast. i did not intentional do this but i have 900+ lagg and accidently drove into a group of people, one of them was a ADMIN and lifted my car and said 'GET OUT NOW' i replied 'hang on lagg'
but he ignored me and when i FINALLY got out it said kicked, i joined and it said kicked and banned. my and my brother Remnants3 have bad lagg because the last couple days my dad has been downloading. Please un ban me, i was banned without questions, the only words he typed was 'GET OUT NOW' ( not what he said EXACTLY)
Boom Headshot!.........Angel

Messages In This Thread
Phudk | MidnightKiller - by Orgxer - 12-28-2010, 08:58 PM
RE: Phudk | MidnightKiller - by Sniperwolf - 12-28-2010, 09:25 PM

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