Hard Reset - An Awesome Cyberpunk Game!
I've been playing this game today for a few hours after my tutor showed it me the other day and I think it's f**king awesome!
It's a pretty casual quake style game where you battle against robots that have become so advanced in AI that they begin to attack humans.
It's got a lot of explosions and is a very fun game when you just cba with COD or BF3 style games with the duck and cover and more tactical gameplay. I really reccomend that you guys try it out.
I've currently 'acquired' the game to test it out but I will definitely buy it soon on Steam. It's made by a small Polish game developer called Flying Wild Hog and I think that they need supporting for this game.

From Wikipedia:
Hard Reset is modeled on "old school" video games such as Quake and Unreal, which results in more simplistic gameplay than most modern first-person shooters. The player lacks the ability to do more than walk, sprint and jump, placing a strong reliance on strafing and quick reflexes, rather than cover and tactics.


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Hard Reset - An Awesome Cyberpunk Game! - by GRiiM - 04-25-2012, 11:33 PM

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