Gamemode Add phone
Title of Suggestion: Add phone

Add like gPhone or something show market prices, adverts and announcements on there etc. allow it as a way to access a lot of commands.

Add texting and phone calls etc

Ease of use for users, PMS literally make a text noise so might aswell have a proper system.

Messages In This Thread
Add phone - by SpaghettiFTW - 07-06-2022, 02:29 PM
RE: Add phone - by Equinox - 07-06-2022, 04:38 PM
RE: Add phone - by Sp33dx - 07-06-2022, 06:06 PM
RE: Add phone - by Riggs - 07-07-2022, 12:50 AM
RE: Add phone - by Boonan - 07-07-2022, 03:14 PM
RE: Add phone - by SpaghettiFTW - 07-08-2022, 08:57 AM
RE: Add phone - by Browny93 - 07-08-2022, 12:57 AM
RE: Add phone - by -DanTheMan- - 07-08-2022, 01:20 AM
RE: Add phone - by Pollux - 07-10-2022, 10:12 AM

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