Sgt. Junebug
Reported User(s): Sgt. Junebug

Reported User's SteamID: STEAM_0:1:40942861

Date & Time (GMT): 30/08/2019 @ 11:47 GMT

Summary of the incident
Other user Details:

BolBolBolBo - STEAM_0:0:421916862

[49th]pit - STEAM_0:0:46366860

Scrungus Bungus-JOIN ME - STEAM_0:0:26986954

- Point gun on me as Citizen
- Steal my van as citizen even i told him its not allowed as his job is not valid reason.
- Try to Metagaming with asking where is the president ( not sure if he can assk me about president because im just delivery driver and there are no reason to for raid the president )
- Abuse police job with handcuff and taze me
- Shot me when im in unconscious state
- Kill me with body tool 
- call me with N word ( it is racist for me )
All i have in evidents..
Thank you..
Violet De Kittie

[Image: jJtX9nT.png]
Thanks To MaxEvan For This Cute Signature Again!! 

Messages In This Thread
Sgt. Junebug - by Violet DE Kittie - 08-30-2019, 07:31 AM
RE: Sgt. Junebug - by Ryan - 08-30-2019, 10:43 AM
RE: Sgt. Junebug - by Ranger - 08-30-2019, 11:07 AM

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