sirminus and lord of the silver rings
I'd like to also state how our activities on the forums have all been in good jest, had a bit of an issue with the signature I had of a certain scene from American Psycho but I've been punished and accept that the gif was not necessarily the greatest thing to put as my signature. I want to stress how much we've changed in RP but we've had yet to really showcase our skills and RP repertoire as we're banned which while I fully understand the reasoning for the ban in retrospect and also really appreciate the shortening of the ban it seems as if as every day passes of RPing on other (quite inferior) servers I realize how much better not only the server is but the community that fills the server on Fearless is.

Me, Lord and our new friend-group, whom so far we've had no choice but to either RP with on these other servers or watch play FL through screenshare would really love to return to the server and get to not only explore the new map (which we have never been on or properly seen from end to end yet) but to also be given trust by the admin team to show how much we've changed and what we can bring to the server. We ask for just one more chance to prove ourselves to the FL community and Staff and if that opportunity goes amiss AT ALL we expect nothing less than permanent suspension without any chance of return. I say we let by-gones be by-gones with Lord and myself being given the chance after a year of ban to return better than ever with skills and brand-new experience which we didn't have before.


P.S  Also as Lord has stated above we are personally reaching out to people from our past on FL to rectify our wrongs so if we have forgotten to apologize to anybody for past events please PM us and we will get back to you as soon as can.

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RE: sirminus and lord of the silver rings - by Deleted User - 04-30-2018, 10:01 PM
RE: sirminus and lord of the silver rings - by Deleted User - 05-06-2018, 02:57 PM

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