Report: ''Black Strider'' and ''Oliver.burke''
Name of player:
''Black Strider'' and ''oliver.burke''


Time in GMT
17:13 10-1-2016 GMT+1 Dutch time


I had a 100% empty house with noone else living around it, and 2 cops came cruising by and without question they lockpicked it, no warrant no reason nothing. Then when they are about to move to house number 2 i ask ''Do you have a warrant?'' than the other cop (who assisted Black Strider in raiding the first) said ''Stop strider we dont have a warrant, lets go.'' so then they head off. If i wasnt there im sure they would of also raided the second house, for no reason without a warrant with a lockpick

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Report: ''Black Strider'' and ''Oliver.burke'' - by CarpeDiem - 01-10-2016, 04:20 PM

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