Player Report - Two players
Name of player: (Player 1) [FLRP] Allahu Akbar InshaAllah (Player 2) IkBenEenIronIngot

SteamID:  (Player 1) STEAM_0:1:21746613 (Player 2) STEAM_0:0:116505941

Time in GMT: GMT +1 - 01:06

Server: v2d

Summary: I was walking around to see that Allahu Akbar InshaAllah had welded a many water melons together and then started to drag it with his physgun, I quote that he called it the "Melon Snake" I then saw IkBenEenIronIngot shooting the melons with no reason as his job title set to "Criminal"


Thank you for taking you time to review this case.

Messages In This Thread
Player Report - Two players - by Blurr - 07-12-2015, 12:19 AM
RE: Player Report - Two players - by Nevy - 07-12-2015, 12:23 AM

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