Ban Request - Grey Ghost
Couldnt get evidence but attempted RDM as Cop to Fellow Cop saved by Shadow who Killed him for me (it took me just long enough to realise I was getting shot to start moving and avoid getting hit the guy was even glad about it) He tried to kill me after this fail I think he is one of the *shudders* Night-Minges the guy didnt care that he had Contended with the annoying level of Troll threads.
Also Storm's mom is a hottie and Andreas and King Guami do her all day every day. -In memory of the biggest Troll Thread in FL history

Messages In This Thread
Ban Request - Grey Ghost - by Lani - 09-24-2011, 11:40 PM
RE: Ban Request - Grey Ghost - by Dylanco1 - 09-25-2011, 12:06 AM
RE: Ban Request - Grey Ghost - by Killjoy - 09-25-2011, 08:09 AM

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