[Unofficial] Covert Air Assault Service
"Building a better world, for the afterworld"

Established in the 1970's over MAD the factory was set up in evocity to prepare for a world destroyed, and rebuild an empire that would live forevermore that would sustain and maintain life after our world is crushed.
Welcome to wasteland services website, here we provides the essentials and informational leaflets on how to protect yourself in a world that has suffered the threat of nuclear bombs and lived through it. In a world where MAD has gone mad we plan to protect ourselves from those that want to endlessly kill themselves in the name of the greater good of their own nation. Take interest in your world's afterworld today.
Combat Knife
A prepper cannot survive in a post apocolyptic world without his best friend. The combat knife. Used to break obstacles like branches or slice your food into edible chunks. Its an essential part of your survival kit. Forgetting or breaking this part of your kit will be detrimental to your survival.
The backpack is your soul of movement in a post apocolyptic world. What can you do if you cannot move all of your equipment frome one place to the next? You are locked down into a situation you cannot escape. Movement is key to survival in a world such as the one we will face. Thugs and bandits will raid you house again and again to fuel there petty pleasures. Thats why we here at Wasteland services pride ourselves on our custom made backpacks, created to survive the toughest of enviroments and keep weight at a all time low. You keep your life on your back, thus why you should invest in only the best!
Ghillie Suit
Your Ghillie suit is the protector from every danger in a post apocolyptic world, while your knife lets you fend off your predators. Your ghillie suit hides you from them. Shrouds in your surroundings. Protection without reaction is the best policy, we strive to repopulate humanity, even if they are horrible fiends we must not encourage murder in a world no more law exists.We mainly supply woodland enviroment ghillie suits but with additional fees and by sending us an email we may be able to supply artic and tropical enviroment ghillie suits.
For further information on what we provide please send an email to [email protected]

Username: Admin01
Password: *********************************************

"Shrouded in darkness we stand united"
Welcome to the Covert Air Assault Service Database, Admin01.
Current Operatives   
Velarian Mengsk - [FL:RP] Smex - [STEAMID] - The Honourable Trio
Abdillian Nelson - General Rickets - The Honourable Trio [M.I.A]
Greg Jones -  Kpred - The Honourable Trio
John Burke -  Shadow  - Trooper
 Please Access H.R. Terminals for access

[Image: wanted_silhouette.jpg]


Spoiler :
Project 1 Codenamed 'A-18B'

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Project 2 Codenamed 'F-16C'
[Image: general-dynamics-f-16c-block-52-2.png]

Sketchup of future projects

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Codenamed 'Littlebird'
[Image: 3577109_f520.jpg]


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Project 1 Codenamed 'Thunderassualt')

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Project 2(Codenamed Sword)
[Image: Tank%2Bblueprint.jpg]

Sketchup of future projects

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Codenamed 'Gazelle'
[Image: mammothorthos.jpg]

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Codenamed 'Rhino'
[Image: Future_tank.jpg]

Welcome unauthorized user, I'm glad to see that there are still intelligent individuals out there capable of bypassing our encrypted databases and seeing past our cover story. The application process for this organisation is gruelling and only the best may pass, you only get one chance at each test we may put forth and you may come into contact with our intelligent individuals like yourself during these tests. To successfully apply for this organisation you must venture to the city of Evocity, locate one of 'The Honourable Trio' and hand them a letter, walk away immediately.
This is your first test, locate a unknown target, find the people who have changed there names  so many times that they don't even know themselves anymore. Goodluck. We wait patiently for any candidates to make themselves apparent to us. -Velarian Mengsk, Abdillian Nelson, Greg Jones
Operation Bleakpoint 
Report: June 3rd, 2005, England.
G.J - Howling can be heard a few miles off, a group of wild wolves hunt vigorously through the night to find their prey, how ironic. My squadron of 4 men move slowly towards the compound filled with insurgents, recon give us the go ahead once identifying us of 27 hostiles, 14 hostages, supposedly a walk in a park. Closing in on the compound the muffled sounds of screams and energetic movement can be heard, no insurgents spotted on watch. The scene seemed too easy, these men successfully infiltrated a building with five security guard without a single one of them raising the alarm, a torrent of rain suddenly covers the space between us and the manor house, making it incredibly hard to depict any kind of objects. Suddenly a ear-splitting crack can be heard in the night, I watch as a bullet burrows deep into the bark of a oak tree inches away from my head. "Hit the ground!" I shout, Operative O "Found em." As we spot the signficance of our mistake I notice a group of men rushing up the hill on either side, my men are deployed on eachside, two men to about 10. The shrilling screams of men can be heard throughout the night as deafening bullets plummet left right and centre into the foilage surrounding us. Then all fire ceased, the last body dropped, Agent J suffered heavy injuries after the firefight but carried on nontheless once NovoSeven and bandaged.

Approaching the compound once again, another 7 insurgents remain inside according to recon, a breaching charge is placed on the wall where the hostages are kept, the countdown is given and the room is breached, to our suprise its not hostages, farm animals ran in terror from the breach with a recording playing what sounded like muffled screams from the outside. We move on. Pushing through the entrance to the door the house is silent now, every footstep can be heard in the old manor house. I give the command for gasmasks to be placed on, tear gas on hand we move to the grand stairway. Immediately I command a pullback, the faint glinting of a rifle can be seen just behind the stairway, lurking in the shadows for easy pickoffs. Tear gas is thrown in and we move in silently, eliminating two spluttering insurgents, vulnerable due to the gas. As the gas clears we proceed up the stairway, clearing out each room one by one. Through the search Operative J asks for permission to look for another entrance into the rooms, permission is granted and he sets off slowly. As we come to the last room the floor creaks beneath us, in what seemed a reaction from the house a hail of bullets came blasting through the plaster walls.Then suddenly silence. A slow drizzling sound and gurgling can be heard in the room. "All clear! Hostages secured" Operative J responds from inside the room. As we step inside the insurgents throat is slit open, blood draining from his body onto the expensive carpet. Operative J seemed to have come in from behind, silently through the window, walking on the ledge outside and eliminating the insurgent with his combat knife. All hostages are obtained unharmed with the majority of insurgents eliminated. One was later found by our air support hiding in a ridge, soon found by the ground units and taken in for interrogation. The others flee'd helplessly. 
Operation Littlebird
Report: April 16th, 2009, America.
A.N - As our Littlebird glided through american airspace we looked out on the beautiful landscape below us, field of corn, herds of livestock and small farmhouses littered the land. My squadron of 5 was deployed on this mission, Recon gave us the heads up that the man we was after was head of a terror cell and is wanted by the organisation for betrayal and theft. God knows what he did but it definately pissed off HQ. Our pilot was Operative A, he was an accomplished pilot but proved himself worthy of ground warfare. As we approached the last known location of the wanted man we heard a whistling through the air, a distinctive sound that seemed miles away. Then we saw it. Directly ahead of us a rocket plummeted its way out of the clouds, our pilot immediately swerved but was too late, it hit the tailwing and we went spiralling down. Some moments later we awoke the wreckage, standard procedure was completed and to our disatisfaction our pilot had perished. We quickly removed his insignia and secured the area, incase he was taken before we could secure the area and had to flee. 

No-one could be seen, no-one knew where it came from, a dark forest laid ahead of us and nothing seemed alive. A dead-zone. "Pull out the thermals, looks dodgy" I ordered. Just as I thought, the forest wasn't dead at all, the bodies of two dozen men laid behind the bushes ahead of us, awaiting our arrival, the glory of the night raid, advantage to the most advanced group. Our sniper set up shop, Operative B, silenced he picked the most far off one, when no-one reacted he carried on. One by one they fell. As only a group remained, we powered over the hill, spraying down the remaining hostiles. We pushed into the forest, watching our every step, these places were known to be littered with mines and booby traps. As we stepped steadily towards the camp, a serene enviroment came apparent, a trickling waterfall, the chirping of birds and the scuffle of unseen predators. Maybe it wasn't so dead afterall. We stepped into the camp that seemingly was once bustling, was empty. A pin could be dropped and be heard a mile away. I ordered a thorough search of the camp and not so long after I heard a shout, Operative B found something, a corpse. More than one, a father, a mother and son. I stepped forward and only had to take a glance. "Thats him. Objective secured, call HQ for evac. Move out."
Important Docs.

Spoiler :
Picture of aerial deployment unit during training
Sidenote: The organisations best pilot co-piloted during this training, to teach our pilot on how to handle the conditions we was heading into.
[Image: AIR_MH-6J_Little_Bird_Rangers_lg.jpg]

Operation Stronghold
Report: March 19th, 2015, Spain.
V.M - "Stranded and outnumbered we stand, yet nevertheless we fight on." Thats how it all began, we stood upon the roof of a compound milies away from civilization in spain, near the sea. Thats when we saw them come, an amphibious and ground assault is what we faced. They marched. Hundreds. Two squadrons resided in the compound, in preparation we set up mortar, death valleys and bunkers to stand against the horde that we faced. We knew these were not no measely powder monkeys to say. Statisically, we stood no chance. Two hundred to one, who had ever heard of a story like that? We knew faced death in the face. Yet our men stood strong, we stared death down and got to work. Never have I seen the determination that resided in these men anywhere else. They knew failure meant death, failure meant humiliation and any previous achievements we may have had meant nothing to the organisation. "Protect her at all costs". The organisations daughter was the key to this mission, we were sent to protect her from the world we lived in, yet we brought it to her very door, thus it was our duty to protect her no matter the costs. 

The first shot was fired. I spot a body thrown forward by its own momentum, they swarmed us, they climbed the walls and kicked down the doors but we did not fear. We carried on, one by one they fell, a bullet to the head was all that was needed to put them down, and that is what we did. Again and agian for 3 hours straight. It seemed endless, the covering fire, the mortar. It felt like a warzone, on the frontline of afghanistan was the closest comparison. Then I heard it. "DUCK!" A rocket plummeted through the flashes of gunfire, a shrilling scream is let up into the air, two of my men, seemingly disintegrated by the RPG, a leg lay on the ground across the room, our cover blown right through."FALL BACK!" At this point atleast of the hostiles had perished yet the same could be said for my men. We retreated to the house where the VIP was residing, we ushered her into a cuboard and reassured her everything was under control. Standard procedure. We set up tripwires, barricades and set out gas to prevent them destroying us in our time of desperation. All was silent. The calm before the storm. The weather outside seemed motionless, the whistling of wind had died down and the patter of rain was gone. 

Then I heard it, the March of thick leather boots tear up the interior of the house, they smashed windows, mirriors and broke fine china that was worth more than our combat gear. Pure thugs. They pillaged up and down the house, then they came to the room we resided in. A thick metal bunker, they coughed and spluttered over the remaining tear gas that slowly dispersed into the air. We heard them throwing themselves outside the door, taunting us, "Come out to play little girl". The reality of the situation came to me. Tearing a hand grenade from my belt I tossed it through one of the holes in the barricade. First kill. Then it came, a hail of bullets are sprayed, parried by the walls. Then the bodies piled up, some made there way in they fell one by one but so did we. Four.Three.Two. Who knows how many remain of these brutes remain? Then my partner fell. I watched him drop but I carried on. I sprayed my clip into a group trying to rush me down. As the next wave comes I pick up my fallen comrade's weapon. I must survive for the integrity of the organisation. The clip runs out, I flick my sidearm into my hand and plow it into the neverending men. Blood drains near my feet. As my clip runs out a single man pushes his way through the door.

I throw my knife.

I watch as the last man succumbs to death that day.
"Its all safe now darling, come now." I pull the gasmask off her face and hide away the little girl the death that surrounds her. "Lets get you back to daddy".
I picked up my radio and bellowed down the radio.
"This is Velarian mengsk calling for evac, Comms were down, two hundred+ hostiles eliminated. Nine friendlies K.I.A. VIP is secure." Velarian Mengsk reporting out.

In times of strife in the city, a representative will approach you if we recognise you will need the aid of our Troopers, but our work is not only out of pleasure. Payment will be required depending on the size of the job. 
The following 9 users Like Smex's post:
  • General Rickets, Nihl, Tawee, Brynn, Nyander, NightHawkd, Kpred, konsta, Cox

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[Unofficial] Covert Air Assault Service - by Smex - 04-10-2015, 10:19 PM

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