Report: Clementio & drummerdude 64
First of all. I did not arrest you or handcuffed you.
Second, next time you provide screenshots, provide all the chat, thanks god i got my screenshots Cheese
To end this, i will provide the screenshots and explain what really happend and what you do not say in your ban request.
So, you enter the nexus with something in your hand spamming the mic saying "Beware of dog" and i , in my Voice Chat, said: please leave the nexus, please leave the nexus. Please leave the nexus. Guess what, you did not hear me, and you did not stop when i had a tazer pointed at you. so you break FearRP. Then i taze you because you fail to hear me and leave the nexus. (thats what i say in the OOC and your screenshot is not complete , you just took screenshot of what you want Cheese)
I try to talk to you, then the other cop cuff you and arrest you, that its not my business. I dont care.
I care about the part you say i offended you by saying "get a life" (yes get a life instead of making BR for everything just because you dont like me) and that i "taze you without a reason" and "backseat admin" (you provide a screenshot of half the chat, you dont show all the chat, guess what i cannot say everything in one phrase, i have limit of words just like everyone. So you though it was lucky for you to get me with only that part of chat in OOC, your not smart at all since i provided the entire chat. No backseat admin, i taze you because u deny to get out while making fun of me pretending that you were not listen.)
I will only answer to an admin if requested.
Bye Smile

Messages In This Thread
Report: Clementio & drummerdude 64 - by Suarez - 03-30-2015, 07:06 PM
RE: Report: Clementio & drummerdude 64 - by Clementio - 03-30-2015, 07:15 PM
RE: Report: Clementio & drummerdude 64 - by Nevy - 04-06-2015, 03:26 PM

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