Jake O'Donnell - NLR
Your name: Terrofail

Your ban ID: 51967

Banned by: [FL:M] Link66

Reason: NLR

Involved: Lukeeooo was witness

Why we should unban you: I was banned for NLR, when I made no direct implication to returning to my death point to avenge myself or any implication of continuing the previous life I had when I was killed by raiders. I was the SRU sergeant which meant that it was my job to go to the president and protect him, which I went to do, but as soon as I went near him (granted was on the same floor as my previous death point but I did not make any IC comment to the people who killed me or acted like I knew what happened, like I started a new life) but as soon as I got out the elevator I was banned with no explanation. I don't understand how the president could expect me to do my job if I'm not with him (and didn't want to get demoted/banned for not RPing my job) and it seems a bit of an extreme ban as I acted completely oblivious to the fact that the previous raid happened and like I was there before as expected in NLR. I simply said OOC'ly to the previous raiders after one tried to shoot me that I wont fire upon them and asked them to leave. I think this is where the confusion was, as there were gunshots perhaps Link thought they came from me, which they didn't. You can ask Lukeeoo who witnessed the shooting by the previous raiders when one of them said, "don't shoot, it's NLR" or along those lines.

Adding on, if you were to look at this post, it suggests that the admin/mod speak to the person they're about to ban regarding it to get a better grasp at the situation, as I am still confused to my ban reason. And as it is in the 'Finished' section I would expect this be adhered to, which it wasn't.

I hope this sorts out any confusion and allows me to start playing on the server,

Messages In This Thread
Jake O'Donnell - NLR - by Terrowin - 08-06-2014, 04:45 PM
RE: Jake O'Donnell - NLR - by Link - 08-06-2014, 08:00 PM
RE: Jake O'Donnell - NLR - by Floodify - 08-07-2014, 10:01 PM

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