You had placed a fading door right behind a world door, making it double dooring.
I even blacklisted your friend for the same exact reason earlier.

When it comes to you ignoring me and the admin disrespect.
I TPed to you first and you were the owner of the double door. You kept on running away, doing your own thing.
I grabbed you and took you to the door you were double dooring at. When i dropped you, you ran away again.

I went outside of the house to show you the outside of the door, and to show how you were double dooring,
so I TPed you to ME this time, and you instantly tried to run back inside, but your friend was blocking you from entering the house. I then FROZE you and grabbed you and placed you back in front of the door, where i could FINALY type with you in reach so you could hear me if I were to type, but before I had time to type anything at all, you responded with "F**k off".

At that point, I had had enough of you, and simply issued a ban instead of a warning and/or blacklist.

Messages In This Thread
UBR - by Alpha12 - 05-18-2014, 11:33 PM
RE: UBR - by Feffe - 05-19-2014, 12:28 AM
RE: UBR - by Feffe - 05-21-2014, 10:49 AM

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