BR on 2 persons
(03-10-2014, 05:22 PM)Xbit123 Wrote: [VO] Fps zigor [SWE] random tranqulized me then RDM me in Villas for no reason and broke fearrp Also in villas.
This guy is a total troll and he have to be banned.

(If video is not available yet , It Will be in a moment)

Everything on the recording is happening like 15-20 minutes before they raided frede.

In the video you can see when he Randomly tranqulized me and then killed.
After respawning i went back to villas with gun pointed at him and I asked to leave (I could just shoot him in the first place but that would be breaking NLR) and then he started to run (Fear rp) and pulled a gun from no where .

Please... Because of guys like him I don't Want to live in Evocity anymore.
I have nothing on CommanderBro except a short story.

Long time ago CommanderBro was raided by SRU for covered windows or something like that. And when i say long time ago i mean 30 minutes before this events. However Contraband inside was prop blocked so they used chers to get inside. Commander escaped and changed his job to police officer after saying on OOC
"So i can raid without warrant" (don't have screen shot but admins can check logs)
End of story.

BTW: frede0078 use evocity_v33x material fix from work shop Smile
BTW#2: frede0078 Use Action for capturing games. it can make Compressed MP4 movie files that have 70mb for 1 minute (1920x1080) and not 1 gb like Avi files from fraps Smile)

1: i dont know what that means Tounge
2: thx

Messages In This Thread
BR on 2 persons - by frede0078 - 03-10-2014, 04:31 PM
RE: BR on 2 persons - by Xbit123 - 03-10-2014, 05:22 PM
RE: BR on 2 persons - by frede0078 - 03-10-2014, 05:28 PM
RE: BR on 2 persons - by Xbit123 - 03-12-2014, 07:40 PM
RE: BR on 2 persons - by Venom - 03-24-2014, 07:54 PM

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