unban request
User has been warned for this post. Reason: Posting a second unban request shortly after the first one was denied
Your name: snarf

Your ban ID: 33503

Banned by: [FL] Aviator

Reason: Ban Request 33570 Approved - "Random deathmatch, scamming."

Involved: Big_splash

Why we should unban you: i know that you gone say that i have posted too many requests but i dont care. i just want to come back to my life my story in evocity i love fearless and i was stuiped to trust big_splash. this is the story again it was a normal day i came home and started was starting up skype as normal then big_splash called me and he said that he had found a easy way to get money and i was he´s friend so i trusted him. then he told me to scam and i did it then a few days after i got banned for 2 days so i waited 2 days then i called big_splash and said that i gor banned for scamming and he told me that i cant get perma for it so he was my friend so i trusted him and a few days afteri got perma and i regret everything i did. i have new friends and i have changed. im so desperet that i could pay for a unban. please give me a time ban or unban me just give me a last chance if i do somthing wrong after that then im gone accept it all i understand that i did wrong please unban me or time ban

Messages In This Thread
unban request - by melkereckerud - 01-24-2014, 01:46 PM
RE: unban request - by Temar - 01-24-2014, 02:52 PM

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