Propblock and also a high ammount of kills
First of all, having many kills is not a ban reason
Also I agree with Fazoon, I saw the house and everything was OK door was bought by him, nothing in.
Another point is you are constantly wacthing people and backseat admining, you never RP just look around place cameras and watch people to make BRs, stop it.
-Support from me, you are wrong Filleh
EDIT:First of all you don't have any evidence, and he didn't, how do you make a such statement like this without proof? And I saw you crying about it on server, and said I will find who did it. Stop messing with people without knowing truth.

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RE: Propblock and also a high ammount of kills - by [SARP]Onur - 06-10-2013, 12:59 PM

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