Evocity Radio - Recruitment and general information
I'll be finishing Uni soon, and as I'll be playing Garry's Mod alot more often, I see this as a great opportunity to interact more with the community! Plus I'd like to do an IC style show...

Age - 21

Do you own a decent microphone? - TurtleBeach Headset Mic which is rather good, or I have a Blue Snowball mic!

Do you speak and type English fluently? - I do indeed.

Do you know how to use SAM broadcaster? - I've checked it out in the past, but never really used it. I'm a quick learner though!

Any past experience? - I've helped out a friend on his Internet Radio station before, hosted my own silly internet radio and I've worked with my previous college on their radio station. I have also done lots of voice-over work for my own video projects and other people's projects.
That, and I have a dashing silly Ol' English accent that I love to put on!

What genre(s) do you like the most? - I'm an all rounder with music, love most of it, but if I had to pick it would probably be Electro/Trance/DnB/Dub music and Melodic Metal.

List 3 of your favorite songs - Hard to choose, but.. Nero - Act Like You Know (Dubstep Remix), Trivium - Declaration & Pendulum - Girl in the Fire.
-Where I keep all my poorly produced music ^^,

- Where you can stalk me IN REAL LIFE, cuz tbh idgaf Smile

Messages In This Thread
RE: Evocity Radio - Recruitment and general information - by AytonHunter - 05-22-2013, 11:46 PM

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