Unbanning Warl0ckz3r0
Name: Warl0ckz3r0
Ban ID: 31350
Who Banned Me: [FL] Narcotic
Listed Reason: Intentional Mass CDM
Involved: I didn't get their names...
Reason For Unban: The listed reason for the ban was mass purposeful cdm, but these cmd's were not on purpose, I was just trying to escape some guys who were trying to take my car. so, please help me. the next few days are the only days ill be able to play on gmod for weeks!

Messages In This Thread
Unbanning Warl0ckz3r0 - by Warlock - 05-09-2013, 12:34 AM
RE: Unbanning Warl0ckz3r0 - by Narc - 05-09-2013, 02:33 PM

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