Ban request - Reaper
there was next to no one on the server and we were showing off dupes we had, that thing was there for a few seconds has he was just showing it to the guy I was talking to. I'm the chick in the dress btw in the screenshot. Technically it's public building, but as there were about 8 people on and no one was doing anything but showing off their dupes or contra farming in their bases, I really don't see why a ban request is warranted. I'm amazed that he only took a screenshot of this dupe and not any of the others anyone else had shown off. That dupe wasn't there long enough to constitute actual intent of public building, just a quick display then gone. v2d was down at the time and looks like it still is, that is the defense he uses to protect the prez. I showed mine to but left it ghosted so it wasn't actually built.

I agree that you have the right to post a ban request and this technically is a rule break, however a picture lacks context and in this case it was for display and only there for a few seconds as we left to go into the BP to show off smaller dupes.

Messages In This Thread
Ban request - Reaper - by Tricky - 01-10-2013, 08:03 AM
RE: Ban request - Reaper - by Noodle - 01-10-2013, 08:36 AM
RE: Ban request - Reaper - by Old Man Jokhah - 01-10-2013, 09:33 AM
RE: Ban request - Reaper - by Jamie - 01-10-2013, 01:12 PM

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