Ban Request - Courage and Shipment of Lol
I would like to thank you for posting this video because it reminded me how much fun I had last night. That's a very nice car and expensive one as well I would like to add. how did you get so much money as to being new to the server to afford that car ? Now as far as it goes with me breaking the rules. Beflok was online and so was another admin as well, im sure if I was breaking any RP rules they would of stopped me. Now maybe I was having a little to much fun. Now I can assure you that I did not break any RP rules in this event ''the video''. Now I am sorry if this made you upset in anyway, I truly am, but I did not brake any rules because the alien president had made a law that no cars where to be allowed in the city during the time. I was following directions from the president himself without question to impound any cars found or being used within the city. I was just doing my job. And in the video I had tried to help you in your defense by asking the other police officers to stop tazzing you, it was kinda funny though you have to admit. Note I did not ask them in OCC or any type of chat it was strictly through my mic and I had said so in the worlds of ''hehe..guys common stop hehe''. And on that note I would like to add that it was not Random arrest because you where not being arrested , yet only contained for your safety and the other police officers. In case you tried to drive off or shoot me or someone else.

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RE: Ban Request - Courage and Shipment of Lol - by courage - 06-06-2012, 05:51 AM

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