Horrible RP by NateCat and his abusive buddies.
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(04-30-2012, 06:56 AM)Slick Rick Wrote: Dylan is kinda right, you have a thread accusing players of wrong doings with no evidence, which is considered spam.

I have three witnesses. It isn't much but it's all I have now that I am banned. Dylan is one of the cancer crew and is no better then a member of the Hutu rape gangs that tormented innocent civilians in Rwanda back in 1994. Therefore, I cannot really say that anything he says means anything.

As a player, why should it be my job to police the servers? Shouldn't the admins be keeping cancerous tumors like Natecat and his friends off the server?

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RE: Horrible RP by NateCat and his abusive buddies. - by Iceman - 04-30-2012, 07:00 AM

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