Squirtle#0730 (discord name)
Steam Name: Squirtle#0730 (discord name)

SteamID: n/a

BanID: n/a

Ban Reason

Staff Member: n/a

Involved users

Why should you be unbanned?
Your name: Ukraine

Your SteamID: Squirtle#0730 is my discord

Your ban ID:

Banned by: unknown

Reason: unknown it was a really long time ago

Involved: unknown

Why we should unban you: I'm trying to get back into the discord but it says im banned, im unsure of why I was banned it doesnt state a reason. 

I'll bring this up with the team and bring you an answer.

[Image: edfa8a344463b04e45f386ad4525099e.png]

The team has decided to unban you from the discord. As a record, the reasoning for your ban was "Goodbye.".

~ The Staff Team.
[Image: edfa8a344463b04e45f386ad4525099e.png]

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