Report: <KA34>
Name of player: KA34

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:71454368

Time in GMT: 8:30 PM 

Server: v5p

Summary: RDM - I was just driving my car, patrolling, then out of nowhere I was gunned down. I was simply driving normally, posing no threat to nobody and I was killed. 

Evidence | |
Ok so we were being raided at villas #2. Cops were arriving to the scene and we killed most of them. We ran out to the street to see if somebody tried to escape or was hiding. Then i saw your veichle driving towards villas. Since it was a raid that was started just a couple of minutes ago i assumed it was backup and fired at the veichle. I do not see how you were "patrolling" since i am pretty sure those cops called for backup and as a police officer i would assume you would respond if you got such a call.

If I were to be called for backup for a "raid" I wouldn't have been driving slowly, waiting for stop signs and driving without my emergency lights and sirens on. Violence is a last resort, and I don't see how shooting me while I am unarmed is following that rule - other options could have easily been taken such as hostaging me, putting me under fearRP etc.

If there was a raid at villas 2 why would you be actively hunting unarmed cops who do not pose a threat to you. This is clearly just kill farming.
(04-21-2018, 09:17 PM)Ethan Bradberry Wrote: If I were to be called for backup for a "raid" I wouldn't have been driving slowly, waiting for stop signs and driving without my emergency lights and sirens on. Violence is a last resort, and I don't see how shooting me while I am unarmed is following that rule - other options could have easily been taken such as hostaging me, putting me under fearRP etc.

If there was a raid at villas 2 why would you be actively hunting unarmed cops who do not pose a threat to you. This is clearly just kill farming.

To respond to the second one we ran after them since they fired shoots at us and injured us. We wanted payback for what they did so we deicded to run after them. Also since the raid started and ended so quickly backup was still being called in so running out and shooting the rest of the cops was the best way of securing the area.

To respond to the first i did not see you driving slowly or stopping at a stop sign. One of my members just said another cop car heading in then we all opend fire on it. I was the first one to do it though so it resulted in me killing you.

So we're just going to open fire on some unarmed cops that are not even related to the raid? It is your job to check if a cop car is a threat or not, opening fire on it since your members did just isn't a good excuse. It's a case of 'shoot now ask questions later" which isn't acceptable.
Although violence should always be the last option, this seems like a misunderstanding as KA34 was involved in an ongoing raid with the government. He will be warned for using violence in a situation he shouldn't have.

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