Easy Learn - Teaching Fearless To Drive
Lesson 1

Ardie Emma came in with little or no experience with driving manual cars, Seemed to do pretty well only failing to basic stop signs, U-turns etc etc. We will see them here again soon!
[Image: Bj6kLZS.png]
Newest student by the name of John Loius!
John Loius Came to the open lessons to inform us that we wanted to learn how to drive a manual car as his car is automatic, did pretty well but needs to work on a few things such as clutch control and changing gears. Stalled the car many times but that comes with practice!
I believe he will be a great driver so me and my team have Passed him! Congratulations!
[Image: Bj6kLZS.png]
--| Closed |--

Due to the lack of activity by the group the Clan Officers have decided to close it. Please contact a member of staff if you wish to re-open the group at a later date.
Joe Joe
Fearless Teacher Admin Clan Officer Admin Event Manager Clan Officer Veteran Admin Event Manager Veteran Management Veteran

[Image: OMVm0Um.png]
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