Player Report - EZ
Name of player: EZ

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:193447733

Time in GMT: 2am ish

Server: V4B1

Summary: He ran me over in the city tunnel but I didn't think much of it due to it could have been an accident, however moments later Evan told me that he was proppushing and CDMing people so as I was stood in the city I saw him run two people over as you can see in the first video. In the second video you see him proppush Evans car in order to kill him.


In the second video you can hear a little bit of the teamspeak conversations we was having, it's just basically Marvin saying goodnight. You can turn the volume down if you like as it's nothing to do with the PR however if you wish to listen you can.
Kind Regards,
[Image: qyVlGhw.png]
- Involved in video no.2, I am the victim who dies by EZ's prop in the car. -
He basically teamkilled me as I was a rebel aswell.

Before this he had been CDM:ing us several times after we had killed him and during raids he CDMed us to get our weapons.
He has also been very aggressive and has been proppushing/propkilling quite alot.

- Evans
Report reviewed and approved

Closing notes:
EZ (STEAM_0:0:193447733) was found guilty of - CMD // Prop killing
EZ will be issued a 2 hour blacklist from vehicles (v) & 2 hour blacklist from physgun, tools and entity (pte) for - CDM // Prop killing


[Image: zeVtdhR.png]

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