XD GHOST Unban -Request.
Your name: XD GHOST

Your ban ID: 46964

Banned by: Venom

Reason: Double-Accounting

Involved: L2D x Ghost

Why we should unban you: I'm Guessing this is for L2d x Ghost, which is my brother, I'm not double-accounting he was playing it yesterday with me ask players. We were on v2p, then we played v33x which he got banned for 7 day propush/propkill D/C to avoid admin. We are seperate players with different accounts but are both in the same household.

I don't know how I can Prove this to you.

Got any ideas please say.
Looking through the history of these two accounts, I see more than one instance of one account going online shortly after the other was banned and vice versa.
Yeah, does not mean It's me, I have not played on Fearless since I was banned I have been playing on another server for the 3 months, which was great.

I have seen many people be banned for double accounting not once would I think I would get away with it. I know you look for this stuff.

Is there anyway I could prove this to you?
Saying something to us doesn't make it true and evidence makes a stronger case than words.

We have had enough evidence to issue bans to all of the accounts in this case and further investigations of the accounts has only strengthened our thoughts.
You should try to get some sort of evidence to prove the innocent of all of the accounts this case revolves around.

Why isn't your brother making an UBR for himself?
Sincerely, Enzyme
Ex-Supervising Administrator
He had a separate computer which he plays it on, This has changed as his computer got chucked out and he now has a a laptop. Which he was playing on yesterday, I have absolutely no Idea how this is double accounting?

He does not care that's why he was propkilling and proppushing everything and everyone on the server, D/C to avoid admin. He does not care If hes's banned. I do tho. Thats why he has not made an unban.

Anything I can do to prove this?
Seeing how you have 12 bans (not counting your current one) your words do not make a strong case.

As I've said: You need some sort of evidence to prove your innocence as that is the only way you will be unbanned.
Sincerely, Enzyme
Ex-Supervising Administrator
Well Enzyme What can I do to prove this other than tell you my side of the story, I have nothing more than words, If you know a way I can please Tell me.

What proof is there that we are double accounting?

My last ban was 3-4 months ago, since I have came back I've tried my best to roleplay.

Is there a way that, when we were playing it shows which Ip address we were playing on?
Here is what I don't get:

You claim you and your brother play on seperate computers, yet the IP on both of the accounts are the same.
Sincerely, Enzyme
Ex-Supervising Administrator
That's why I asked If you could get the IP address Because At the time his computer got chucked out, We only have 2 computers in the house. So If you could check the IP address yesterday It was his new Laptops address. And Yes he was playing on my computer not me.
Do you have anything else you want to add to your case?
Sincerely, Enzyme
Ex-Supervising Administrator

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