Xbox Live Thread
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Since there is a PSN thread, I think it's appropriate to make a Xbox Live one.

So, in this thread, you can discuss Xbox live with other players who have it.
If you DON'T got Xbox or Live. Then don't comment here.

So template:

Additional Info (Optional):

Or something you wanna share with us. =)
Gamertag: AssassinMarine
Games: (Not playing atm, hoping to have dead island, space marine, batman arkham city and Assassin's creed)
Additional Info (Optional): King?
F*ck, forgot to post myself <.<

Gamertag: MarJuZ 1337
Games: The Sabouter, Fifa 11 (Fav game :3), Assasin's Creed Brotherhood, Modern Warfare 2 and Star Wars Force Unleash 2 (:3)
A.Info: I mostly play Fifa 11, since it's the best, game, evar. Can't wait for Fifa 12 Smile

Fallen. Call me.

Gamertag: Xx Barnesy43 xX
Games: Quite a few, C&C 3, Rainbow Six Vegas 2, MW2, Black Ops, Assassin's Creed Brotherhood, and some others Cheese
Whats your gamerscore?
Mine is: 78615
Gamertag: Crusading Panda
Games: All CoDs, all GTA's, all Halos, and a bunch of others I don't play anymore
Games - All the good games.
Gamertag: Destiny Mortal
Games: Cod 4 / 5 /6 / 7. Halo 4 + Reach, dead rising 1 + 2, saints row, red faction, orange box (LOL SERIOUSLY) and the rest i dont play much
Additional Info (Optional): You will see me normaly on black ops
Gamer Score : 8000 and something, im more into multiplayer
This valorous visitation of vexation, stands vivified and has vowed to vanquish these venal and virulent vermin vanguarding vicand vouchsafing the violently vicious & voracious violation of volition.
Gamertag: Turbofish.
Games: Black Ops, MW2, Assasins Creed 2 & Skate 3.
Additional Info: I will probably be cruisin' down some stares in my favourite game Skate 3 Tounge
Gamer Score: 2883 or someting in that direction.
Gamertag: Lemon532
Games: All Gow (Gears 1 & 2), Fallout 3 & New Vegas and alot of games that I name (To many games to name Smile)
Additional Info (Optional): Im always on my laptop but I sometimes go on my xbox and I got cod bo so if anyone wants a game on anything ill be a Happy Lemon.
Gamer Score: 35000+
Im not just perfect, Im WELSH.[Image: mca.png]

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