Steam Name: Zodin

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:6004779

BanID: 83586

Ban Reason

Staff Member: Edned

Involved users

Why should you be unbanned?
Hello all!

I was banned for ToS - specifically selling in-game money and items for real money. I wish to post a formal unban request to support my conversation with Edned via discord. I am aware you have screenshots of conversations I have had with someone outside of FL which has caused this ban, however I would like to appeal this as it is not against ToS to discuss anything, especially outside of FL. The ToS covers what cannot be done whilst using the FL services but does not contain any wording to suggest one cannot talk about such things in or outside of FL so I do not deem this a valid ban with the evidence at hand.

Here is the section in question of the ToS:


You must not use the Services to harm others or the Services. For example, you must not:

- use the Services to harm, threaten, or harass another person, organization, or Fearless;
- damage, disable, overburden, or impair the Services (or any device connected to the Services);
- resell or redistribute any part of the Services or access to the Services;

But as we can see this is restricting what I cannot do on the services, which is absolutely respectable, and in this case I have not done anything on the services against this statement.

I look forward to hearing back, cheers guys.
Hi Zodin,

Thank you for your UBR. Firstly, I want to mention that we didn't take the decision to suspend you from the services lightly. There have been ongoing claims from players for a little while now that could've easily been rumours; myself and the management team have kept this under constant review because we of course wouldn't suspend someone on purely rumours from the community, but it would spark some concern to investigate further.

Bearing in mind that we already had heightened suspicions on this matter, I had evidence given to me of a Discord chat between you and another member. You admitted that you sold money, made an offer of $2 million for £10 and then provided a paypal.me link to your personal account, followed by "And you can have it right now if you like. I happen to be online, so if you send the £ I'll give you the in-game $$ Smile". If it was a joke or you didn't intend to actually do so, would you provide an easy method of instant payment acceptance?

This shows more than enough intent to break the ToS and "resell or redistribute any part of the Services or access to the Services;". Whilst the transaction didn't go through (because the user stated that they said it to test you because they were suspicious of the same rumours), it warrants enough evidence to myself and the rest of the team that you fully intend on doing this. Why should we hang around until you go through with a transaction when we have evidence that you intended to do so?

I await your response.

[Image: get.php?s=STEAM_0:0:51199704&b=16]
I think if you wish to ban people based on perceived intent then that needs to be part of the written rules, because I have not carried out the disallowed action and yet I have been banned for the disallowed action. The issue here, is what is to say that I wasn't trying to catch him out? How do you know for absolute certainty that I would have followed through and wasn't going to wait until the last moment to then bail out and get him banned for a clear attempt at trying to buy in-game money? It's a sticky one because let's say both parties don't like each other and are merely trying to catch one another out - the chat between them will look like a convincing setup for a transaction but one or both of them could be simply acting it out to try to get the other banned, and it will come down to whoever reports it first as to whoever will look like the "victim" and who will look like the "suspect", and in this case it just so happened to be him over me.

Kind regards.
Thanks Ed for taking this case over so far. We've been discussing and evaluating the evidence over the past few weeks and it's pretty conclusive intent or not that transactions were made, I am comfortable enough in my belief that you are guilty to keep you banned. I'm a bit disapointed that you would do this as I honestly expected better but oh well. Also - A million for $10? Seems everyone who went ahead with that deal got a proper bargain.

[Image: f2kzlKW.png]

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