Steam Name: Dinosaur

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:92560405

BanID: 0000

Ban Reason
Double accounting, Trolling etc

Staff Member: Brikaas

Involved users

Why should you be unbanned?

I dont find my ban id i apologoize, i also apologize for my actions it was stupid of me to double accounting and trolling, i regret very much for what i did because i began to miss this server and i have now learned a lesson and wont do it again, i apologize for what i did and i hope i can come back

More about why i should be unbanned:
I apologize for double accounting and i want to be unbanned because i want to play on your server, i will not double account again and i will play properly and follow the rules, i will read the rules more and remember them as they are the most important in a server, i wont double account again and since i have waited some years now i have learned a lesson
Hello Dinosaur

If you insert your steamID into the bans page you will see that you were banned for double accounting.
As Brikaas is no longer within the team, the current team will cast a vote on the outcome of your UBR.

In the meantime, could you go into some more detail about why you think you should be unbanned?
[Image: xTRvpSf.png]
I have now wrote down more about why i should be unbanned
thanks for the reply btw
i hope the team can accept my apology
The team has voted to expire your ban. What this means is that you will be unbanned, but the ban will still be present on your record.

Welcome back, please do not waste this opportunity.
[Image: xTRvpSf.png]

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