Snowredwolf's rant

Get some popcorn and have a good read!

Spoiler :
This page is about AwestruckBullet
Hello, reader, you’ve probably reached this post by being sent the link by one of your friends because they thought you should have a read about this subject. As you might have seen, AwestruckBullet has been promoted to a Supervising Administrator once again, even after a previous demotion for very valid reasons. While it was a team decision to promote Awestruck, I believe that the judgment by the staff members might have been tampered with as they are not all aware of the actual reasons behind AwestruckBullet’s demotion. Along with this SoulRipper also chose to ignore everything AwestruckBullet has done through his time on Fearless, mind you, most staff members would have been demoted at least 10 times if they made nearly as many mistakes as AwestruckBullet.

But before going to the detailed explanation as to why he doesn’t deserve to be a supervising administrator, let’s go back in time and explain previous time AwestruckBullet was a supervising staff member. Around 80% of the administrative team at the time gathered together and discussed the biased promotion of AwestruckBullet. After discussing the decision, we decided to go to SoulRipper about this incident and explain our concerns about the promotion. You can find the chatlogs from our first talk with SoulRipper here.

Generally, there has been certain misconducts noted by staff members throughout AwestruckBullet’s time as an administrator and a supervising administrator. Some points have been dismissed completely by Avgar, Awestruck and SoulRipper himself, they believe that as time passes on past abuse cases should not be used against an administrator, well, at least not against AwestruckBullet. Our initial intention with creating this list, no matter how old the abuses are, is to show the reflections of his past self as a staff and his current one as well, upon revealing old abuse cases to administrators it strengthened their distrust in his abilities as an SA. Let’s go through the list now.


AwestruckBullet decided in his time as a moderator to abuse his powers to help him break the rules, AwestruckBullet felt like he needed a new supply of Kevlar and fueled rags as a black market dealer, after this he felt like he needed to go Gun Dealer and manufacture some shotguns for himself. If that wasn’t enough, he then found out he couldn’t go citizen with the f1 menu, he chose to use his powers to demote himself for the sole reason of joining the wrong job.
Server logs

Driving around in custom vehicles
Awestruckbullet used his powers and the tools given to him to create vehicles that were against the rules, he decided to create vehicles such as Helicopters and Tanks to fly and drive around on the server. While this could have been a good idea if it was involved in any type of roleplay, it was not. AwestruckBullet used the tanks and helicopters to joyride around on the servers. At the time, I was a supervising administrator and had multiple administrators report AwestruckBullet flying around in a helicopter on the server, upon contacting him in the admin chat he began replying in a very sarcastic tone, showing that he can’t take such situations professionally.
Screenshot of chat with AwestruckBullet
Screenshot of tank
Screenshot of tank

Biased towards friends

When AwestruckBullet saw that one of his friends would have a player report on them, he would always be there in an instant to help them out and either give them a very light punishment or deny the unban request. Once there was a player report on Greed, and as usual, Awestruck was there almost instantly, he started out with approving the player report and gave greed a 2 hours blacklist, he then later reviewed it again and said Greed did not break the rules and declined the player report. I was a supervising administrator at this point and received multiple reports from both players and administrators alike telling me that it was a biased decision and Greed did break the rules. I contacted AwestruckBullet about this and told him that Greed broke the rules, AwestruckBullet then blacklisted Greed for two hours once again, Agorith then notified me that Greed had 6 previous blacklists for the same reason whereof I talked to AwestruckBullet about this. AwestruckBullet extended it to four hours which I didn't find sufficient, I then told him it should either lead to a suspension from the servers or a long blacklist due to both experience and previous blacklists.
May I say, during the chats with AwestruckBullet he answered in a very ironic way, showing that he couldn't handle the situation in a professional manner.
Chatlogs with AwestruckBullet
Player Report

Pre-defining replies with friends in their UBR

While SoulRipper believes this is a good thing if staff members do this, some people still feel like it is biased doing this. AwestruckBullet were speaking with Mike, who is a very known minge within FL that no staff members ever wanted to get unbanned, especially because he already blew many chances previously. Mike had a person post an unban request for him, whereof it only took AwestruckBullet 4 minutes from it being posted to making a deal with the person being banned. AwestruckBullet replied with some terms that Mike should accept before being allowed back on the server, and here without a doubt, AwestruckBullet talked with Mike prior to writing the deal on the thread. It took 10 seconds from AwestruckBullet posting a reply containing the terms of his unban until Mike's spokesperson replied to the thread with Mike accepting the terms AwestruckBullet gave him.

AwestruckBullet soon after approved the unban request, however, Infernaw and I stopped AwestruckBullet from going through with this unban request as literally the whole staff team fought for getting Mike banned due to his extreme amount of mingery on the servers, thus it would have caused a lot of outrage within the staff team.
Screenshot of unban request containing hidden comments

Acting unprofessional

AwestruckBullet has had fights with multiple staff members within the team many times, this reflected on the way he acted while administrating. Sometimes on the forums he could act up and begin insulting other staff members in crazy ways, sometimes it got deleted by the SA team or moved to the SA office, purely to keep the team spirit in a good standing. In the coming example, Agorith started out by Insulting AwestruckBullet because he stated some biased opinions in a courthouse case after this AwestruckBullet fired right back and began insulting Agorith. While it is a double sided wrongdoing, AwestruckBullet still acted unprofessionally in the situation and didn't handle it as he should have.
Screenshot of Agorith's post
Screenshot of AwestruckBullet's post

Abusing unlimited AFK timer

Before I made the AFK timer causing administrators to get kicked for AFK AwestruckBullet abused the unlimited AFK timer to hourfarm on the servers, once again, a thing SoulRipper believes is a good thing to do as it shows that the server got administrators online and thus avoiding mingery. However, most people these days would rather comment on how administrators are not doing anything on the servers when they are online, which AwestruckBullet further proved by joining the servers purely to go AFK. AwestruckBullet got caught multiple times logging on late in the afternoon and not moving, chatting etc. until the morning when he then logged off, this spans to about 7 hours AFK time each time.

Causing huge drama

While AwestruckBullet has been an administrator on Fearless, he has caused huge dramas within the team, probably one of the administrators that have gotten into most conflicts within the past many years. While causing drama within the team is not abuse, it still shows that he is not fit for being a supervising administrator, he can in no way maintain a calm and nice attitude if he gets into heated discussions with someone. This has been seen multiple times with AwestruckBullet, a few times the supervising administrators have had to move his heated discussion together with selected few other staff members to avoid causing the team to dysfunction.

Unable to obtain evidence, sadly.

Encouraging users to abuse forum bug

Not long ago, a forum "bug" got to the staff teams attention. Users could give each other unlimited REP by using the post reputation MyBB feature, on Fearless users are only supposed to give óne reputation to each other and in no way obtain additional reputations from each other. AwestruckBullet heard about the post reputation feature and how it could avoid the maximum of óne rep per user and decided to abuse this to get a reputation boost on the forums, he made a giveaway in Off-topic where he said to enter the giveaway you had to press the "+reputation" button underneath the thread, thus requiring users to abuse said "forum bug".
Forum bug was later same day patched by SoulRipper and I, and we removed about 50 reps from AwestruckBullet.
Link to thread

Abusing administrative commands
This is a very recent abuse, in fact, last time he was SA. AwestruckBullet was a citizen and forced himself into jobs that were already full at the time, he forced himself into the mechanic job and afterward teleported to his friend JessicaCandyX. After going to Jessica he spawned his BMW, afterward he set his job to S.R.U and then a Police officer, whether the latter two were full is unknown.
Teleporting in-game
Screenshot of scoreboard
Screenshot of logs

Lying in promotion thread of Marvin

Marvin had the usual promotion to admin thread on him in the admin office, AwestruckBullet said he didn't support Marvin's promoted to administrator because he said Marvin was not enforcing doomfort rules. But logs actually proves that wrong, Marvin did everything he could do to help fix a doomfort and make sure it was within the rules, he asked a teacher if he could help check a base for doomfort violations as he wasn't too sure about doomforts himself, which is fair enough. AwestruckBullet said that Marvin was not enforcing doomfort rules, which he was clearly when looking at the logs.
AwestruckBullet's post
Spear replying

Using administrative powers to break NLR

Once again, a very recent abuse which happened last time he was SA. AwestruckBullet was in a police chase with his truck, they managed to kill him as he was a threat to the citizens of evocity. Soon after dying Awestruck noclipped back to the place he died at and stood there phased, which means he is in his NLR zone but still phased. A few minutes passes by where he is AFK next to his truck while breaking NLR, suddenly he takes out his toolgun and removes the truck and trailer to avoid walking back to it to retrieve it like a normal user, please notice, he was still under NLR. Once confronting AwestruckBullet with SoulRipper and Avgar in the chat with us, he was unable to explain the situation himself and had to get Avgar to make a cover story as to why he did it, whereof the reason was "It could lag the server if it would stay there", which is pure bullshit.
Standing at the truck while under NLR
Removed the truck
Flying around in the city, 4 minutes after dying

Accusing people of things they haven’t done

AwestruckBullet forced Spear to resign within his first few days as a Supervising Administrator, one of the reasons being for overruling Jonas, which Spear didn't do, he just told Jonas that he already took care of a situation that Jonas was handling. And the second reason being for throwing a car across mainstreet in the middle of the night with no players on, which is a valid abuse. Spear didn't have any previous abuses and thus there would be no reason to demote him, on top of this AwestruckBullet didn't even discuss the decision with SoulRipper first and he didn't even research the case with Jonas prior to jumping to conclusions on it. 

A few weeks later AwestruckBullet attempted to demote Spear once again, one of the reasons being using thrusters on vehicles in a youtube video, which is a valid abuse. He also accused spear of leaking information about his demotion, because he told other people that AwestruckBullet told him he was getting demoted, which is in no way leaking. Once again the demotion got pulled back and marked as invalid.

What is explained above with Spear indicates that AwestruckBullet is unable to do proper research in cases before jumping to conclusions, along with this he didn't discuss the demotion with SoulRipper prior to carrying them out whereof SoulRipper had to stop AwestruckBullet from demoting Spear the first time, the second time Spear proved AwestruckBullet wrong in his accusations.
Evidence used against spear as to leaking

Abusing banned props

This is a very recent abuse found place just a few weeks ago, AwestruckBullet used banned props to avoid spending millions on vehicles from the f1 marketplace. He spawned the yacht prop instead of buying the yacht found in the marketplace, this is completely neglecting the fact there is a vehicle in the marketplace that you are supposed to purchase if you want it. The yacht is a banned props and administrators are warned only to use these props if really needed, thus he was fully aware that he was spawning a prop he was not supposed to spawn. AwestruckBullet used the yacht for the same purpose as you would with the one buying from the marketplace.
The abuse case was found valid by the Super Administrator at the time.
Yacht prop
Yacht prop
Link to abuse case

Deserves SA position?

As you can see above where I've listed a good chunk of the abuses that AwestruckBullet has done through time, there are more that have been left out due to the fact I have been unable to retrieve the evidence needed to support the abuse. The amount of abuse cases just listed on this page would be enough to get at least 5 admins demoted from their positions as administrator if the abuses were spread over them, but when it comes to Awestruck, then it's fine and it can all get ignored because some cases are a year old. But to continue from before listing all the abuses, collecting all these abuses and showing them to the administrative team at the time made close to all administrators agree that AwestruckBullet didn't deserve the supervising administrator role. We began fighting for the demotion of AwestruckBullet as we felt it was a wrong choice and a very bad leader for the team, we had many chats with SoulRipper during the month AwestruckBullet was an administrator.

After four weeks or so, we finally succeeded in getting contact to Avgar so we could discuss the whole situation with AwestruckBullet and explain why we felt like he should not be a supervising administrator anymore, sadly we had lost the majority of our team as most of them resigned during the time AwestruckBullet was a supervising administrator. In the meeting we discussed all the different wrongdoings you can also read about further up, it was mainly Avgar chatting trying to protect AwestruckBullet from all the accusations and telling us some of the abuses was with good intentions etc. We had a three hours meeting and didn't come to any conclusion together on what should happen to AwestruckBullet, SoulRipper said he wanted to think about what to do about the whole situation and would reach a conclusion within a few days.

SoulRipper chose to demote AwestruckBullet and Avgar a few days later, he demoted Avgar because he was way too inactive to carry out his job as a supervising administrator, which could also be seen as it took four weeks to get in contact with him after first meeting about AwestruckBullet. AwestruckBullet got demoted because of all the abuses he had on his back.
Important sources


"It is not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change."
The following 1 user Likes GeorgeTheBoy's post:
  • Grunt
Keep the flame cool guys
On behalv of SnowredWolf:

SnowredWolf Wrote:Good to see that you are actually posting it publicly for the community to know it now, exactly as the whole intent behind the post was.
I do not have in my intentions to humiliate AwestruckBullet in any way, purely to inform the community AND THE STAFF TEAM about why AwestruckBullet got demoted last time.

I've had this information laying around for a very long time, and so have multiple staff members who've resigned since the actual event with AwestruckBullet being a supervising administrator. The problem here is when you made the new vote within the team you didn't inform them as to why you demoted AwestruckBullet last time, at least not a detailed explanation of it.

Now, to reply to what you wrote to me on Steam:
[Image: 3b786a455faad2760002db1456f31535.png]
I've done it to help you move forwards from hiding everything from the staff & community, whether you respect that or not is completely up to yourself. The community will function better the day you arise and begin facing problems instead of hiding from them, exactly what you are doing in this thread, which I actually respect you for. 
Not speaking to me in any way is not my choice, I've shared the information, you have full rights to be mad. But saying that you will end a friendship over such a silly thing, seems silly to me.

Oh, I'm banned on the forums now, which is fair enough as I shared some information from the admin office.
But please notice, I do not hate you nor Fearless community in any way, in fact, I respect the community and you, SoulRipper.
(06-01-2017, 09:54 PM)Dobby Wrote: Keep the flame cool guys

No. Stop it. Get some help.
[Image: get.php?s=STEAM_0:0:81986316&b=12]
The following 1 user Likes Janzo 火's post:
  • Arkten
I don't know who to believe anymore after reading SnowRed's "rant"
The following 2 users Like Bobby's post:
  • Janzo 火, Wolven
The poor ginger can never get a rest can he
We are like butterflies who flutter for a day and think it is forever.
The following 10 users Like Haarek's post:
  • Awestruck, Mustang, Wolven, Jonas, , Avgar, Dauntless, General Rickets, Eclipze, Iraqi Eagle
Well, What is going to be done following this?
I would like to see the staff teams View on this. Im now conflicted after reading this "rant"
[Image: get.php?s=STEAM_0:0:81986316&b=12]
The following 1 user Likes Janzo 火's post:
  • Wolven
took me a while to read that, fuck me.


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