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So i was peacefully building a dancing club, Just minding my own buissiness, And then a couple cops show up. I havent played FL in like a year but I've learned one thing, If a cop shows up at your house, You will be raided. If they have a reason or not it doesnt matter, Eventually you will end up being arrested, Raided shot dead or a simular outcome.
So, I kept building minding my own buissiness and what do you know, I get a search warrant. I walk outside and theres a officer there. He said he couldnt tell me the reason of the warrant, I explained that nothing was in the house and that I was just building. He ran inside, And I called him an idiot in OOC. Then , He ran up to me , Arrest warranted me for ''insulting an officer''
So basically I got randomly raided (I cant prove this though) But what I can prove is the random arrest. Ill put the logs below in the Evidence part.


(Local OOC) [FL:RP] CarpeDiem: why did u warrant me?
(Local OOC) matchboxer: not oblied to tell you.

(OOC) [FL:RP] CarpeDiem: I literally have nothing in my home but this vagina is search

warranting me lol what an idiot, hope he will enjoy a ban

(Local OOC) [FL:RP] CarpeDiem: search me than idiot

(Local OOC) [FL:RP] CarpeDiem: what are u doing

*** Vito Talos starts to handcuff Kemal Rodri.

*** Vito Talos clicks both cuffs over each hand therefore, finishing handcuffing Kemal


*** Vito Talos finishing the handcuffing.

(Local OOC) [FL:RP] CarpeDiem: why are u cuffing me

(Local OOC) matchboxer: you said search me then idiot.

(Local OOC) [FL:RP] CarpeDiem: its out of character

Vito Talos: stay outside sir

(Local OOC) [FL:RP] CarpeDiem: ur cancer lmao

(Local OOC) [FL:RP] CarpeDiem: this random raid though

(Local OOC) [FL:RP] CarpeDiem: u better run

(Local OOC) [FL:RP] CarpeDiem: or u will be banned for random raid

*** Vito Talos radios in: President could you warrant Kemal Rodri (186) for an arrest for

reason multiple instants of insulting goverment, arm

(Local OOC) [FL:RP] CarpeDiem: go in

(Local OOC) [FL:RP] CarpeDiem: i did nothing

(Local OOC) [FL:RP] CarpeDiem: HWAT


Ended up sitting in jail for 10 minutes for nothing. The reason of arrest? Insulting an officer in OOC. He has 6 hours, He should learn from his mistake.

Also ended up spending 2.000 for getting my car back from impound and 2.000 for the repairs I had to do for the car.
Accepted Ban Requests: (12)
67877 , 67875, 67874 , 67873 , 68294 , 68293 , 68292 , 68291 , 68405 , 68663 , 68994 , 72913 , 
Denied Ban Requests: (1)
You were telling me to stop walking around the perimiter, when I was not even on you terrain. This was my initial search reason alongside the weird movement you were making.

I request backup, cuff you for trying to escape. S.R.U and an officer arrives. I talk with the S.R.U about the situation(OOC) because you kept complaining in OOC. The officer comes back and tells me you had contraband, I simply put the arrest reason wrong.

P.S: Dont insult in OOC, against the rules

EDIT: You just killed me when you came out of prison with no RP reason, I suggest you watch the rules yourself.
Do you have any other evidence, copying stuff directly from console cannot be used as evidencem try getting a screenshot from console itself.

You got 24 hours to provide more evidence otherwise the Player Report will be denied.
[Image: jfQuooI.png?1]
(07-31-2016, 01:21 PM)Brikaas Wrote: Do you have any other evidence, copying stuff directly from console cannot be used as evidencem try getting a screenshot from console itself.

You got 24 hours to provide more evidence otherwise the Player Report will be denied.
[Image: a301feeae349a168372b4e7af0cb2222.png]

[Image: b295c40a6da2ce9f99fa0cf6725ae2cd.png]
Accepted Ban Requests: (12)
67877 , 67875, 67874 , 67873 , 68294 , 68293 , 68292 , 68291 , 68405 , 68663 , 68994 , 72913 , 
Denied Ban Requests: (1)

Player has been found guilty of Metagaming by arresting another for LOOC reasons.
1 day ban has been given.
[Image: jfQuooI.png?1]
Additionally, a  2 day suspension has been issued to CarpeDiem for massive player disrespect in OOC communications.

Closed and moved.

Fearless Administrator

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