[Unofficial] Weyland-Yutani Corporation [Recruiting]
OOC: I fail to see how you shooting at our jeep out of the blue is self defense Sad

Good RP though man
TO: [email protected]
FROM: [email protected]
SUBJECT: Alliance

[Image: CGt2ci5.png]

Dear Mr. Heafy,

I am Vladimir Cochev from The Anhelum Corporation. We have seen your company and it's activities and we are writing today to request an alliance. Contact me with this email address ([email protected](Steam)) and we can discuss further talks. Have a nice day, Mr. Heafy.

Yours Sincerely

[Image: 546806085470716170615.png]

Vladimir Cochev
Anhelum Corporation
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OOC: I hired a hit an :p didn't want to kill you after working with you for so long, yeah I nejoyed it hopefully we can do some more revenge rp
Welcome to FeenuxOS
Please enter username and password:
>[email protected]
> weylandyutanihappyhotelrocks

[Image: PS8qCOB.png]
Welcome, Commander Winston Smith
*Winston drags the mouse to the E-mail program, and selects inbox*
> New e-mail
> ...

Quote:To: <All Employees>
From: [email protected]
Subject: Security
CC: [email protected]
[Image: PS8qCOB.png]
[Image: be1nlMA.png]
In this message, I'm going to discuss a few things - including recent events, security protocols, Operation Sharpshooter and Operation Hydra and the promotion of Michael Eddington to Regimental Sergeant Major.
Now, as no doubt all of you are aware, recently we've had problems regarding both Mes Mortis and the Lombardi Family - and as a result of this, I've devised Operation Hydra, acting as both a Peace Process and an investigation into the events that transpired and the deaths of Weyland-Yutani employees. Documentation of Operation Hydra will be available soon.
Operation Sharpshooter has also been devised as a response to the recent Dimitri Alcardo incident, where Section 4B of his employment contract came into effect, and as a result he opened fire on at least four colonial marines and subsequent backup. Operation Sharpshooter will contain an offensive which will be used if Alcardo is still alive, but mostly it will be an investigation into finding out if he's dead, how he died, etc as well as the subsequent death of a security officer upon which the events that transpired are not known.
Recently, there was a riot outside the Weyland-Yutani headquarters, and so a security protocols document is currently being devised. However, if a riot does happen again then the protocol is as follows:
  1. Evacuate the facility to the upper floors/loading bay.
  2. Move all available USCM and Security to the lobby/gates of the facility.
  3. Have all USCM and Security aim their weapons at the entrance.
  4. Only fire if a rioter pulls a gun, or manages to/is in the process of breaching the entrance.
It's also worth noting that protocol requires at least one guard in the lobby, and a guard in the checkpoint.
Finally, I'd like to announce the promotion of Michael Eddington to Regimental Sergeant Major, the highest non-commissioned officer rank in the USCM. Michael will be serving with the 21st Evocity Corps of the United States Colonial Marines. Eddington has previously served tours with the USCM and has been offered the job based on his previous performance. The ranking system of the USCM can be found here.

Regards, Winston Smith
United States Colonial Marine Commander

*Michael Eddington recieves a package containing a white letter with a United States Colonial Marines seal on it, and a brown envelope with a Weyland-Yutani seal. The letter seems to be from Winston Smith.*
Quote:United States Colonial Marines - 21st Evocian Logistics Company
Package for: Michael Eddington
Package delivered: 18/06/15
Dear Mr.Eddington,
This letter is to confirm your promotion to Regimental Sergeant Major in the United States Colonial Marines - included in the brown envelope is your new epaulettes.
I wish you luck in your new position - and I believe that you are fully capable of the job.
Regards, Winston Smith
United States Colonial Marine Commander

*You proceed to open the envelope, and find four epaulettes marked with Regimental Sergeant Major insignia, two for the left shoulder, and two for the right*
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***A Letter Appears in the office of Winston smith With a russian Stamp and signature***
Mr Smith, I Believe you knew My brother Dimitri? I Also believed the company you work for tried killing him? He phones me before we lost contact he told me, You and a few other men were looking for him, he said he managed to clear a few of your men. You know Mr Smith, Dimitri was a Good kid, and very smart, He was in spetsnaz, They toughened up good and proper.
Well Mr Smith Killing my brother is one of the biggest mistakes you could have made, I Know everything about your "corporation" Dimitri Documented everything he worked on. You see you've messed wih the wrong family.
-Alexander Alcaro
(OOC) This will be some good RP As i know there isn't much for Judges men to do so this will be fun, heck you never know where it could lead
* A blood-red letter appears, with the silver star and RED ruby *


I am surprised that you have made a public announcement of the incident that has happened today, yet at the same time I understand how it was expected. I thoroughly enjoyed reading your message on my computer the other day, fortunately I am unable to use that computer again.

However, I am amused at your attempts to threaten us, any organization that joins you, will face the same exact retaliation you are dealing with now. My society is not necessarily one for evil actions, I must though say I enjoyed the action your employees played today while we tore them to bits. Us, including the Lombardis hope you are well aware, that what you have done as an insult, will surely be your downfall.

With the upmost respect, Mr. Heafy, you've pulled the wrong strings, and now, your workers abandon their post and leave their jobs, or they will pay the ultimate price. 

I hope your soldiers are ready, because ours sure as hell are.


Your worst nightmare.
The following 9 users Like Preditor's post:
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[Image: aGvEoBE.png] BasicallyMental - The Leader of Insight.

Dear Mr. Heafy,
After receiving a message from you about my men being with-in the dispute at the offices not long ago, I apologise for any miss-understanding. The Insight corporation are not here to make enemies, men who where there will be punished as they are not to do with the dispute of that day. I would like to thank you for notifying me of this as I can now act upon it. If you could reply on what I can do to repay you for the lives that were lost due to my men that day, that would be nice. Again, I am sorry for inconvenience on that day. Insight were not meant to be a part of it.
Community Retard
Was I annoying? REP me
[Image: tnatDq3.jpg]
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Employee Application Form

OOC Information

Steam Name: Chocolate Labrador
Steam ID: (http://www.fearlessrp.net/misc.php?page=steamid)
Age (Your actual age): 14
Hours on server: 692
Donator: (N)
If you aren't a donator, do you plan to donate in the future: (Y) I plan to sell my lamborghini
Total Bans: 5
Total Blacklists: 10
Out of 10, how would you rate server activity: 8
Out of 10, how would you rate forum activity: 9

IC Information

First name: Caleb
Middle name(s): Adam
Last Name: Starkavargen
Age: Nineteen
Address: 14 Nexus Back Street
Current Occupation: Self-Employed
Ex-Employers: N/A
Weight: 192
Height: 6'1
Criminal Record: N/A
How could you benefit our corporation: I've been working hard, For as well as my father did and so I want to work with the people my father once did, I know a lot has changed and so I'm ready to embrace changes and progress with Weyland-Yutani
Preferred Department: United States Colonial Marines
Are you an innovative thinker: Yes, I am.

Disclaimer: During your employment here at Weyland-Yutani, you may be injured whilst working. Weyland-Yutani takes no responsibility for the injury/death of an employee and your safety is completely in your hands. Failure to wear correct safety equipment whilst in testing facilities would
be an aggravating factor and makes you liable for your actions. By signing the application below,you hereby agree to our disclaimer.

Signed: Caleb Starkavargen
Kind Regards Chocolate Labrador

(06-21-2015, 12:30 PM)Chocolate Labrador Wrote: -snip-

Quote:To: [email protected]
From: [email protected]
Subject: RE: Application for Employment

[Image: PS8qCOB.png]
[Image: be1nlMA.png]
RE: Application for Employment

Dear Mr.Starkavargen,
I've reviewed your application and I've decided to invite you to a formal interview tonight at 1900 hours - contact myself via phone and I'll tell you the location.

Please note that if your application were to be accepted after the interview stage, our current open slots are in the areas of Security and Heavy Artillery.

Regards, Winston Smith
United States Colonial Marine Commander

Add me on Steam. Also, Artillery requires a Ford Raptor.
(06-21-2015, 12:30 PM)Chocolate Labrador Wrote:
From: michael.eddington@wy-sec.com
Subject: RE: Application for Employment
RE: Application for Employment
Mr. Starkavargen,
                           Following a productive interview with myself and Commander Smith earlier tonight, we are pleased to offer you a position as a Security Officer within the Weyland-Yutani United States Colonial Marines. Please report to either of us to receive your ID card and standard equipment.

From everybody at Weyland-Yutani, welcome.

Michael Eddington
Regimental Sergeant Major, USCM
Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic. - Arthur C. Clarke
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