[NU] Nuka
Name of player: [NU] Nuka. Wrabbie
SteamID: [NU] - Nuka: STEAM_0:1:6148371
- «RṦG» Wrabbie: STEAM_0:0:44904780
Time in GMT: 26/02/15 14:40 GMT
Server: V2d
Summary: Was basing at the slums in the middle of the three buildings. Cops got into a gunfight with a black market dealer who had a door on the side which was all fine. About two minutes later as you can see at the start of the video I get random raided by the police who picked my door (didn't even have warrant) and they said they heard gunshots and contra blowing up. They only heard this because of fighting the guy next to me. None of this was coming from me or my base (Base was full of weed pots, radio on and absolutely no gunshots) Then later in the video they get a search warrant after breaking in for no reason. The rebels basing with me can support this claim, we never shot anyone or did anything.
Surely it's not reasonable grounds for officers to start a gunfight with someone and start searching everyone elses base in the close proximity for no reason?
Evidence: http://www.solidfiles.com/d/fb69dcec30/Random_Raid.mp4
Not involved, but i made the video acessible to YT instead of a website that can give you viruses
Since the website OP used almost gave me a virtue of viruses (https://www.virustotal.com/nb/file/7ae36...424965070/) i have taken the time to upload it to Youtube:
NOTE: Sound is disabled because there is a copyrighted soundtrack in the background, nothing i can do about it

Permission granted - Rickets
[Image: FpROeEz.png]
Barkles is attempting to sleep : )
I have no idea how you managed to nearly download a virus. Solidfiles just hosts the video and lets you watch it on a web page. No downloads or anything :S
You made the ban request on the wrong person buddy.

I didn't initiate the raid, an SRU did, I just backed up him (like the rest of the entire police force). I'll try and get you the name of the SRU that started it, gimme a bit. This can be seen by an admin in the logs, as I didn't equip a lockpick my entire playtime. EDIT: It was Wrabbie who started it, he called backup to the slums. You can even see this in the video, where 'Erik Twatlord', the IC name of Wrabbie, calls for backup. The first gov-fired shots in the video were made by an assault rifle, in specific, a UMP, which police sergeants cannot equip

Oh by the way, that base is a doomfort
Modelling/Texturing Contributor
Hardly a doomfort, it's not difficult to navigate through.. no mazes or anything. And I told you at the very start it was a random raid and you continued to 'assist' him, so I think anyone assisting has also broken the rules. (That covers you too)
No, I was assisting because he called me there and when I got there shots were being fired, I have broken no rules

I get that you're very annoyed though, there was a lot of stuff there, looked like it had taken a while.
Modelling/Texturing Contributor
You assisted, therefore you took part in a random raid. I get that you never meant to break the rules, but technically you kinda did.
Edit: Also can I add that it was in fact you Nuka that asked for a search warrant, after being informed it was a random raid.
I did not, as I have said.

Whether the raid is random or not, once you have fired shots, I have to assist, it'd be failRP if I left, much like if you're under FearRP, no matter if the gun to your head is unreasonable you MUST follow their commands. Of course I asked for a search warrant, you had a shotgun and had just shot me directly in the face, you don't just up and leave with the mentality "oops lolz it's a random raid will just ignore the fact he shot me in the face".
Modelling/Texturing Contributor

Proof that shots had been fired when I asked for the warrant, blood and bullet holes everywhere
Modelling/Texturing Contributor
We heard report of gunfire in the slums, and we went to check it then there were like 10 people with guns (probably not 10 but many) and we just started shooting, and many of the guys ran into houses and then we went inside the houses searching and you started shooting at me and other officers with shotguns, and if thats not a reason for search warrant I dont know what

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