Ban request KWZ | Draitz:
Names of player: KWZ | Draitz:

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:47205367

KWZ | Draitz:

Time in GMT: From 17:23 to 18:36

Server: v2p

Summary: So i was walking at the hotel at v2p, then my mate Associated got tazed and officer KWZ Draitz, decided to walk and stand on him.

Evidence: The video is Danbidz', i'm just borrowing it for a br. : < Skip to 1:25 till 1:50 should be enough.
Well actually if you watch from 1:20 you can see i didnt taze him also the secound one he punched me.. I was instructing everyone to leave the building but you cannot hear my mike so you do not know this, this man is just trying to get me banned after all the minging i stay legit and work round it i think that map is the best <3
You obviously started punching, and it doesn't care if you didn't taze him, you stood on him, even if he died, you can't.
You minged me several times, if you were so legit, why you asked me to remove the br?
Saying the map is the best won't get your ass saved.
First of this isn't even your report also you didnt even know the guy you just get some odd buzz out of reporting people for stupid mistakes some are legit ok but others you just waste admin's time with. 2cd As you can see your incorrect i never stood on him and i tazed the guy for standing on him and punching me also was telling everyone to leave with mic therefore your evidence is invalid. 3rdly i put the post on your wall explaining my point because i wasn't allowed to post here but i got a admin to sort it. Lastly i just wanted to say about you saying that i said "the map was best, wont get my ass saved" i was just making a point that the server is full of minges but i enjoy the map and stay out of it.
Not my report? You clearly see my name on the BR thread right.
The person you killed was Associated, i laid down tazed and jumped after, next to him.
If i waste time why they get approved?
You CLEARLY see you stood on him, i don't even know how you dare to lie..
The video is Danbidz's, he stood close enough to see if you used mic chat.
Are you insulting me for minge on a br against u? Smart.
What no hahaha lets just let the admin decide and read my comment properly.
Request reviewed and denied.

Closing notes:
Insufficient evidence of any rules being violated by the accused player(s).

[FL] GeorgeTheBoy
Server Administrative Team

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