Richtea's Ban Appeal. Floodify Abusive Ban.
Your name: kieranhill98 - [CG] | Lionel Richtea

Your ban ID: 50965 ( i think)

Banned by: [FL] Floodify

Reason: Listed for having a shoot out with a police officer out of the way of everyone. Both of us agreed to this and stated rules of it.

Involved: Small Asian Boy - He was also banned for this.

Why we should unban you: Because we harmed nobody, agreed to it, planned it out and at the end of the day it is a game. Games are made for enjoyment, by doing this we were enjoying the game without ruining it for anyone else. I would understand if we were shooting other people in crossfire or destroying someones RP, but we weren't. I also think Floodify was abusive in the way he banned me. He spoke aggressively and is unable to listen to voice chat were a clearer explanation could have been given. He over reacted to what i said on a few occasions. As seen in the short video below.
wannabe skid
[Image: J8Wdw2Z.gif]
Denied this is ban request area

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