Unban request Again
User has been warned for this post. Reason: Posting a second unban request shortly after the first one was denied
b]Your name:Hunter

Your ban ID: 24 hours

[b]Banned by:fulttzy

[b]Reason: By mistake ranned over someone

[b]Involved: A random person

[b]Why we should unban you:Story: I was driving and I am a very bad driver so I crashed into a lot of things Becouse the break isent strong I had 10 health I was trying to stop but the break is not strong and I crashed to some random person and I died
. I had no warnings I have not ran anyone else expect one person and I did not try to kill my self...

steam id:STEAM_0:0:54240628 Please unban.

Will donate soon Smile
Thanks for reading
Posting a second unban request after the first was denied. Failure to complete the template.

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