(Please close my old theard)Hello is it possibole to transfer all my items and stuff and cars +donator status to my new steam account? i lost my old steam account password and i allready bought gmod+csThinkingource bundle.. can i transfer??(Its in game items and its not against steam rules)
You dont have to create 4 threads....
I have diffrent problem and i said please close others..
All your threads literally say the same thing, except one says you got banned and the others say you lost your password.

It is up to the developers or SoulRipper to transfer your items, I guess we will wait for them to reply.
Ok thanks i know i said get banned my ban removed 1 hr ago..

But i sent to soulriper some pms and he is not answering.. i send 1 pm 2 days ago..and 1 today.
Your a bloody idiot on other threads you state that you got banned and on other ones you state that you lost your password, its the same damn problem.

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