Hello! :) Joining the forums!
Hello everyone! Smile I will now start being active on the forums too, i've been playing alot on the server (80+ hours i belive) and i've also donated, so now i think it's time for me to take the next step and not just come here for unban requests and for selling, but also for being here talking with all of you. I really like the forums, thank you Fearless community for being so awesome Smile
I hope to see you all ingame soon! Blush
Addicted FL:RP player

Loves playing as a homeless man or a speeder in a mustang.
Welcome buddy! I saw you ingame. Good to see that you decided to join us on the boards too!
Hello and welcome to the forums!
welcome to the forums!
Welcome to the Forums! I hope to see you In-Game soon.
Kind regards,
[Image: mxh.gif]
Rate Me.
Thanks everyone! It's really great seeing everyone welcoming me so nicely. Thanks again! Smile
Addicted FL:RP player

Loves playing as a homeless man or a speeder in a mustang.
A Warm Welcome to the Community! I hope you have a nice time!
Thanks! Hope to see you when my unban request is accepted! Smile
Addicted FL:RP player

Loves playing as a homeless man or a speeder in a mustang.
Hello and welcome to Fearless! Smile
Welcome dude! I guess i haven't met you yet. Anyways, have a great time here!

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