mie lp zocker
Name: mie lp zoker

steam ID: I can't find it

server: v33x

evidence: file:///var/folders/3l/68nvhyds3sb13c3wyklq46fm0000gp/T/com.apple.iChat/Messages/Transfers/20160326150520_1.jpg

Why: Basically he was punching us as a police officer for no valid reason and when i said failRP he D/C.
[Image: 1717-E37-A-98-BA-4-EEF-B9-B5-9800-D3-B90-A00.jpg]
Please follow the template provided: http://www.fearlessrp.net/showthread.php?tid=9

You will also have to put valid evidence in.
The link to the picture does not work but even so 1 screenshot will not proof anything.

Fearless Moderator
Hello cool12983,

You have 12 hours to do what Agorith posted, otherwise this will be denied.

[FL] SnowredWolf
Server Administrator
[Image: yk9I3Jg.png]

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