Random ban
Your name: iPwny
Your ban ID: 27630

Banned by: Narcotic

Reason: I was banned for jumping on a tazed man?! If I DID do anything, I might have touched someone, while they were tazed. I was simply doing my job.

Involved: I don't know who was involved, I was just banned... For something I never did.

Why we should unban you: I really love your server, and I was enjoying it with my friend Samuel L Jackson, and I was a cop, whom was on duty 90 percent of the job, and I busted lots of druglabs. I think it is unfair that I was banned, and you should unban me.

We give you a chance to be honest. You blew it.

Earlier today, I did jump on someone, yes. and I was also stuck in a small cage on one of my friends, and it killed him... xD So I admit that I did, either if you could call it on purpose or not, I don't know. But I'm sorry anyways, and I will try with all my force to do as you say. Thank you.

This is not an unban request by the way, just an update.

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