Woj Unban Request
Your name: Woj

Your ban ID: 27015

Banned by: [FL] DoomDude1

Reason: Random kidnapping, attempted murder - Poor excuse - Extended due to priors, last chance to pull your act together

Involved: Robonko, another person who's name I've forgotten

Why we should unban you: So I was banned for a few things, all of which I agree were wrong, however the only part of the ban that seems pretty unfair is the length, 6 months? I understand that it was extended due to the amount of previous bans, although most of my bans are usually misunderstandings with other players that end up in me getting banned, which are fine as they've always been fairly short and have had some reason behind them so usually I've just let them pass . I do admit that I can sometimes act a bit irresponsibly from time to time and I'm not saying the ban should be removed completely, I'm just hoping that you could at least consider shortening it. Thanks
I'm not seeing any motivation for an unban from your side. What you're bassically saying is that I should unban you because... why?
Well basically I wrote the post, acknowledging that I was wrong and politely asked you to possibly consider shortening the ban time length in the hope that you give me the benefit of the doubt. Nope?, Not going to? Ah well was worth a try.
Unban request denied as user hasn't put any real effort into explaining why he should be unbanned.

Please note, "acting irresponsibly" has it's own concequences.

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